Smarthome Installations

Smarthome systems, or smarthome installations for the home, used to be the stuff of science fiction, but they are now within reach for average sized home owners.

Smarthome systems allow you to operate pretty much everything that can be controlled electrically from a central control point and, if you want, remotely too.

From automatic blinds to zoned heating, Chancery Contracts can provide a smart home system that can be configured to your exact needs.

Central Control of Systems

Smarthome Installation Overview The principle of smarthomes is that everything can, if you wish, be controlled centrally. The key in that sentence is 'if you wish'. We recognise that everyone is different and so having centralised control does not mean everything always has to be controlled centrally, every time, all of the time.

Flexibility is extremely important and the systems we supply and install allow a wide range of configurations and options to allow you to control what you want in the way that you want - but only when you want it.

You have total control, but also total flexibility. For example, you may schedule the main living room lights to come at dusk. However, you are watching a movie one evening and enjoying watching it in the dark - the central control allows you to quickly and easily override the setting today, without losing the regular setting that will trigger tomorrow as normal.

See also: Loxone Home Automation

Computer Control of Systems

Computer ControlIt can be no surprise in a centrally controlled system that this is managed by a computer. With an interface that looks very much like a tablet application, it is intuitive and easy to use while at the same being extremely powerful.

By computerising the central control we can not only schedule events based on time (e.g. heating comes on at 5pm), we can also add conditional, or event based scheduling. For example, when it starts getting dark, the blinds come down, the lights fade up to a nice evening scene and the TV is turned on. If you then pause your TV, the kettle starts to boil!

It is therefore not just individual elements that are controlled, but there is an interplay between each that creates a comforting sense of being cared for within your own home in a way that is very specific to your own wants and preferences.

See also: Loxone Software Control

Remote Control of Systems

App Based Remote ControlIn a highly connected world with access to the internet available almost everywhere via wi-fi, or mobile internet, it makes sense that any centralised automated control system should be able to be controlled remotely.

The systems that Chancery Controls install allow just that. Via tablet, or mobile apps you can exercise almost fully, the level of control you would have at home via the central console. This is true of both settings and overrides.

For example, you could control heating centrally, but set it a low level while you were away for a few days. You may then schedule the house to be heated for when you come home. However, you might be having a good time and then change your mind and decide to stay another day. Remote control means you could dial in using a mobile app and change the settings to reflect your altered schedule.

The added flexibility of the remote control feature means you never become a slave to your own settings. If you change your mind about anything, the ability to change settings, or events, can always be at your fingertops on your smartphone app.

See also: Loxone Remote Control

Chancery Contracts works with both commercial and domestic clients on new builds, or on re-fits. If you would like to know more about our smarthome installations please get in touch.